This is brand new. I finally got a smart phone and plan to start tweeting the times and locations where the Professor World Band will be playing. So if you want to find us in action just look for us on at Prof WorldBand. I haven't got a whole lot of followers as of yet so sign up now to be one of the first.
Things have been going well for the Professor World Band. I've added lots of new features and gizmos and the reception I've been getting is better than ever. It was a really mild winter for Boston and I managed to play many times here when normally I would not have expected to be able to. Aside from that, I also got a permit to play in the T here. I'm working on a couple of smaller shows that will be more appropriate for the subway. One of them involves a fiddle playing monkey marionette that's connected to my violin and bow that plays along with me. It's a good way for me to practice my fiddle and earn a few extra bob while I am at it. Sometimes I take my hang drum down in the T. When a train is not passing through the acoustics are really good in some of the stations. It can be fun at times but all told I prefer to be outside when the weather permits.
Another project I will start to work on now is trying to arrange a gig with Sesame Street where the Professor World Band will play a song with the Muppets. I've long been a fan of the show and I think Professor World would go over very well on it. Seeing my one man band in action is something that can inspire kids to build crazy fun machines. The message of the Peace wave Generator is also very appropriate for a kids show. So if anyone has any ideas on how to get connected with Sesame Street please let me know and let them know about me as well.